Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 220

Chapter 220


Chapter 220: Seduction


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Bing didnt say anything, but he knew that his father must have missed his mother.

He felt that adults were sometimes quite funny. They would advise children but could not control their emotions.

But wasnt that just human nature? Seeing through this didnt affect his admiration for Dad. Besides, his father didnt hide this kind of longing. He was a real man if he dared to admit it.

Outside the Su familys house, Chu Xis parents-in-law saw Su Shen heading toward the pig farm and immediately quickened their pace to go home.

This was the perfect opportunity  Gu Zi had really gone back to her mothers house these past two days! Wasnt this a great chance?

They called their granddaughter Chu Tian out of her room, told her to put on her best outfit, and handed her a food box and a wine jug. They instructed her to go to the pig farm and deliver supper to Su Shen.

They had just heard that Su Shen had drunk a lot in the ancestral hall, and alcohol could loosen ones inhibitions. Besides, Gu Zi wasnt around  it was a golden opportunity!

Luckily, Chu Tian had a decent foundation, and she had lost some weight these days. Dressed in a tank top and a short skirt, she still had a certain allure.

Chu Tian never had much hope of marrying into a good family. After her mother went to jail, it was even more impossible for her to get married.

It was better to seize the opportunity and take a gamble. If she hooked up with Su Shen, wouldnt everything be negotiable? Chu Xis in-laws didnt believe there was a man who wouldnt cheat!

Chu Tian couldnt believe they were asking her to seduce Su Shen. It was too embarrassing, and she didnt want to do it.

Chu Xis in-laws patiently persuaded her this time, saying, Our family is counting on you this time. If you manage to sleep with him, Su Shen will surely give you a hefty sum of money to keep you stable. By then, youll be the big shot in our family!

Chu Tian was tempted by the idea. If that happened, she wouldnt have to work and could just enjoy life at home.

However, she still felt embarrassed, and what if Su Shen didnt touch her?

Then she heard her grandparents say, Men arent as complicated as you think. If you bring him food, theres no reason for him not to eat it. Let him have a few drinks, and when hes tipsy, just take off your clothes in front of him thats how it works.

Chu Tian was skeptical, Really? Her grandparents emphatically vouched for it.

After some hesitation, Chu Tian headed to the pig farm. She thought her grandparents had a point. If she had been more proactive earlier, she might already belong to Su Shen.

As she walked, she imagined Su Shens appearance  tall and handsome. Being intimate with him must be exciting.

It was very late, and there were basically very few people at the pig farm, only the night guards and those working overtime.

Chu Tian told the security guard that Gu Zi had asked her to help deliver supper. When the security guard saw her revealing attire, he thought to himself, Does this woman think Im a fool? Or was this woman too stupid to lie?

She was obviously dressed to seduce men, but her looks could not be compared to Gu Zis. Did the toad give her such confidence?

However, even if he said that this woman was stupid, she knew how to use Gu Zis name as an excuse. The guard felt that he had to give Gu Zi face.

He asked Chu Tian to wait and went inside to check with Su Shen.

Su Shen, upon learning about it, sternly declared, Theres no such thing. In the future, dont let this person in.

The guard was about to agree when he saw Chu Tian walking towards the office door on her own. Su Shen looked up and noticed her.

His expression turned cold, like a layer of frost covering his brows, nearly making Chu Tian stumble. She hadnt realized before  the mans aura was so overpowering that it felt suffocating.

However, looking at the man in front of her and thinking about his wealth, she still walked in boldly.

Seeing this, the guard was speechless, thinking, Chu Xi has no bottom line, and her daughter doesnt either! And shes foolish, cant she see that Brother Shen is already angry?

She said to Su Shen, Brother Shen, Ive brought you supper and some good wine. Have some.

The guard couldnt help but cringe. Why did this womans coquettish voice sound so disgusting?

Did she ever consider that even if she appeared naked in front of Brother Shen, he wouldnt be tempted?

Brother Shen was known as the cold-hearted man in the pig farm. They used to tease him behind his back, saying he was fit for cultivating immortality. Only a beauty like his wife could stir his earthly desires.

Su Shens mood today was far from good, and now he had to deal with this nauseating fool. His eyes darkened to the extreme.

As the woman was about to place the food box on the desk, he looked at her coldly and uttered a single word, Get out!

Chu Tian was frightened, and her hands trembled, causing the food box and wine jug to crash onto the floor, creating chaos in the otherwise tidy office..

